Account deletion

Request account deletion

Please send us an email requesting account deletion at with the title “Delete account”. The sender’s email address must match the account email address for verification purposes. If you cannot send an email with the email address you used for your account, please proceed to delete with the in-app account deletion process.

Deleting account does not automatically cancel your subscription. If you have subscribed to our app, please follow these steps to cancel your subscription.

Delete account in app

Please follow the below steps for in-app account deletion. This process takes less than requesting account deletion through email.

  1. Login into your account
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Go to Account
  4. Click on Delete account
  5. Verify it’s you by completing the prompt form
  6. Click on Delete

Cancel subscription

Before proceeding to delete your account, please make sure you canceled the subscription if you have one. Please follow the below steps to cancel your subscription:

If you subscribed through the Apple App Store:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iOS device.
  2. Tap your name.
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Tap our app.
  5. Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If there is no Cancel button or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription is already canceled.

For more detailed instructions or additional assistance, you can visit the Apple Support.

If you subscribed through Google Play Store:

  1. On your Android device, go to your subscriptions in Google Play.
  2. Select the subscription you want to cancel.
  3. Tap Cancel subscription.
  4. Follow the instructions.

For more detailed instructions or additional assistance, you can visit the Google Play Support.